Writer's Block

With hyperemesis gravidarum in the news, I’ve been feeling convicted to share my journey. However, this is easier said than done. For a while I’ve known that I need to share more than the snippets I’ve included on this blog. So why have I hesitated?

It’s more than writer’s block. It’s fear. If I put my hyperemesis gravidarum pregnancy into words, it suddenly makes the nightmare that was last year more real. Writing my story means reaching inside, waking a person who wants to  hit the snooze button just a little longer. I’ve talked about those months plenty, but writing is somehow more real, more honest, more raw.

Not only does hyperemesis gravidarum damage your body, it devastates your emotional being. It takes time to heal. Perhaps writing my story will help. Until I’m ready to face that task, I’ll continue to offer encouragement to anyone who is struggling.

Today, dear sisters in suffering, that encouragement is written by Amber, a fellow hg survivor. It is these stories like these that helped me hold on during my pregnancy, and I am hoping that her words help you as well. Please read her story, and let me know if you have a story you’d like to share.

  1. Diana says:

    I have definitely found that writing out the experience is a horrible emotional trigger. I put it off for a long time myself! Definitely give yourself time! (Though not so much time that you forget it!!)

  2. jRoxDesigns says:

    Thank you so much Rachel for sharing my story! It took me so long to write my story. Part of me didn’t want to share it because it is so personal. There is so many things that go through your mind with HG that you don’t want to talk about in fear of what others may say. I didn’t want people to see how weak I was both physically and emotionally. I’ve always tried to be a strong person and writing each of those words that eventually became my story hurt. They were painful to relive. It brings tears to my eyes at this moment thinking about it. But I kept telling myself over and over again that if I wrote my story and it helped just one person it would be worth it. Since I published my story I have heard from so many women and trust me it makes it all worth it. It makes me feel like maybe through my words they can realize they are not alone. Maybe they can find the strength deep down inside to make it through! Trust me girl its worth it! Take your time and get it all out. Oh and a glass of wine helps too 🙂

  3. […] Writer’s block (hgsurvivor.com) […]

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